What's the temperature in my room? Do I need to water my plants? I have a Raspberry Pi with several sensors connected to it, it's not hard to answer these questions. SSH to Pi, run a Python script I wrote before and then I can get the data. The problem here is, however, how to access them easily? A web app is a good candidate for this purpose.

Github repository.


The basic idea is that to create a web app that shows the data from different sensors. The data can be either cached or just updated. The information is presented in a table, with an Update button at the end of each row. Once Update is clicked, the front-end makes an API call so the backend activates the sensor and sends back the date.


I chose Node.js with Express.js framework as my backend. For front-end, apart from HTML, Javascript and CSS, I also used Jade to generate pages.


  cd somewhere/
  git clone https://github.com/tylerwowen/pisensors
  cd pisensors
  npm install

npm install will install all required dependencies that are defined in package.json

  chmod 755 pisensor/scripts/temphum.py

After the above steps, the layout should be like this:

├── app.js
├── bin
│   └── www
├── node_modules
│   ├── body-parser
│   ├── debug
│   ├── express
│   ├── jade
│   └── morgan
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── images
│   ├── javascripts
│   └── stylesheets
│       └── style.css
├── routes
│   ├── cache
│       └── cache.json
│   ├── objects
│       ├── humidity.js
│       ├── sensor.js
│       ├── temperature.js
│       └── vibration.js
│   ├── index.js
│   └── users.js
├── scripts
│   └── temphum.py
└── views
    ├── error.jade
    ├── index.jade
    └── layout.jade



  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
  git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT.git dhtlib
  cd dhtlib
  sudo python setup.py install
  cd .. && sudo rm -r dhtlib

Add New Sensors

When you need to add a new sensor.

  var Sensor = require('./sensor.js');

  function Light(sensor, value, unit) {
    Sensor.call(this, sensor, value, unit);

  Light.prototype = new Sensor();

  Light.prototype.fetchDataFromSensor = function(callback) {
    var cmd = 'sudo ./scripts/light.py'; // You need to write this script
    Sensor.prototype.fetchDataFromSensor.call(this, cmd, callback);

  Light.prototype.fetchDataFromCache = function(cachedData) {
    var JSONData = cachedData.light;
    Sensor.prototype.fetchDataFromCache.call(this, JSONData);

  module.exports = Light;
  "Vibration": {
    "sensor": "Vibration",
    "value": "True",
    "unit": "celsius",
    "updatedAt": "11:37:31 PM"
  "Light": {
    "sensor": "Light",
    "value": "True",
    "unit": "celsius",
    "updatedAt": "12:27:31 PM"

Since I haven't implemented the database at this moment(July 26, 2015), it's necessary to modify the cache file manually. Later the MongoDB will be added and this part will be discarded.



This file is the core of this web application. It has two responsibilities (I know this violates the Single Responsibility Principle, but I will explain):


It is the super class for all other specific sensors. It's not totally abstract, and it has some concrete methods.


The index.jade provides a layout for the data table. It works for any number of sensors. To do so, it loops over the array sensorData which is passed from index.js.


This is the front-end javascript that listens to click events. Once an user clicks the Update button of a sensor, the scripts calls the corresponding API and updates the row based on the response from backend. An example API call:


The web page looks like the picture below. alt test


[ ] Add MongoDB supports
[ ] Beautify front-end with Bootstrap
[ ] Data visualization -- present history data in diagrams